Alpine Shop, STANLEY, and Schlafly invite you back to Alpine Shop’s Kirkwood location on Tuesday, June 4 for the latest edition of the 2019 Schalfly Al-Pint Night Series. This event will be benefiting the Gateway Off-Road Cyclists, an organization dedicated to advocacy, design, construction and maintenance of multi-use trails. Truly, if you’ve used almost any trail in the St. Louis area, you have probably benefited from the work that GORC does on an annual basis.
As we’ve done all year, we will have limited 24-ounce FULL-YEAR Al-Pint Adventure Steins for sale. When you purchase an Al-Pint Adventure Stein (in black or red), you earn the right to participate in any of the five remaining 2019 Schlafly Al-Pint Nights at no additional charge. Simply bring back your Al-Pint Adventure Stein to any Al-Pint Night the rest of the year, check-in at the beer table, and you’ll receive your two free 12 oz pours of Schlafly Beer!
Al-Pint Adventure Steins will be available for just $25 on this night and at each remaining pint night while supplies last! (Retail value of stein and beer is over $45!)
Thanks for helping support our local non-profit organizations, like GORC! The Tuesday, June 4, Schlafly Al-Pint Night will go from 6-8:30 pm at Alpine Shop’s Kirkwood location.